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Chapter 1 | The Digital factory Guidebook

Introduction to the Digital Factory

Digital companies create value through digital factories

A digital factory combines mental and functional models that enable a company to effectively build, release, and update software and other digital offerings in a repeating cycle.

Through a blend of design thinking, lean business, agile programming, and development operations (DevOps), digital factories work to quickly produce digital offerings. They start with a Minimum Viable Products (MVP), an early version of a product that launches with just enough functionality to meet customers' needs. MVPs are then fleshed out into beta releases and, eventually, a complete product with regular, continuous integration and delivery of new features and bug fixes.

This process exposes the product's creators to real users and use-cases that might not otherwise be anticipated in a controlled environment, giving developers access to valuable information about what needs to be added, fixed, or improved. This can result in better product and customer loyalty while requiring less time and expense than traditional linear testing and production processes.

Digital factories may need to be separated from other departments, as the business goals and expectations for such factories differ considerably from the rest of the business. The velocity of the development operation is much faster than, for example, the budgeting operation of the company, and so decisions need to be made much more quickly.

You can use the digital factory as a metaphor to expand how your organization thinks about technology, value, and production.

This is critical because organizations that still think of IT as a utility that enables their existing business models will not create the resources and structures, hire and train digitally-talented people, or align the incentives necessary to regularly, consistently, and rapidly produce and evolve digital objects.

For a digital organization, 'digital' can mean many things, including but not limited to: content, products, services, strategic partnerships, datasets, or data processing.  

The digital factory metaphor considers technology to be core to value creation, not a supporting function. It prompts the same questions any factory does:

  • What will be produced? Who will be consulted, who will design it, and how will it evolve over time?
  • What is the production timeline and capacity?
  • How can production be scaled up or down as needed?
  • What is built or created in-house versus through a partner or vendor?
  • What parts of the factory do the same thing every time, like an assembly line, and what parts of the factory are doing more customized or bespoke production?

Key methodologies within digital factories often include:

Design Thinking

Explore the problem

Define what is so in the customer's world by listening to people and then imagining new possibilities

Lean Business

Build the right thing

Test ideas as quickly and inexpensively as possible to learn what the right solution is, evaluate assumptions, and learn a way to achieve the desired outcomes


Build the thing right

Adapt software to changing conditions


Build the thing at scale

Reliably, securely, and quickly deliver software

Before addressing the intricacies of digital innovation and digital factories, it is helpful first to understand how the development cycle works as a whole. Innovation may look complicated, but one of our oldest technologies—agriculture—provides a surprisingly simple lens for navigating this process: the seasons of innovation.

In each 'season' of the digital factory (pardon the presence of two metaphors), there are:

  • Objectives, strategies, and activities
  • Thinking styles
  • Key roles to consider
  • Tools
  • Metrics

Before looking at thinking styles as they apply throughout the seasons, you may want to read Introduction to Thinking Styles and Thought Partnership and take a thinking styles self-assessment.  

It may also be helpful to read our guides on business models and value models.

Tools Notice: 
Specific tools may show the company's tagline for their offering or our paraphrased version for clarity. Specific tools listed may link to their own website, which is outside our control. Causeit, Inc., the creator of this Digital Fluency Guide, does not receive any sponsorship money or affiliate revenue from any listed company. However, members of the Causeit team may own stock in publicly-traded companies shown here, either directly or via ETFs/mutual funds/other assets. Causeit also does not represent any of these companies or make statements on their behalf. The referenced companies/tools are shown primarily as examples of commonly discussed solutions in the marketplace and development communities and are not rigorously ranked or scientifically selected.

Winter: Culmination

In the winter season of innovation, we're focusing on culminating prior work and creating space for new work. This is where we take stock of resources, gather information, and prepare for new things.

In the digital factory, this includes activities like exploring industry trends, conducting research on new technologies, publishing or sharing that research with other parts of the industry, and networking with various people inside and outside the organization.

This is also the phase where it makes sense to consider deconstructing 'legacy technologies,' i.e., older systems that can't adapt to current demands for interoperability and dealing with parts of the infrastructure where outdated software has reached the limits of what it can be made to do through patches and workarounds. Together, these create 'tech debt' that becomes more expensive to fix the longer it exists, not just because of the inflation of the cost of labor but also interdependencies created when other software has been added or modified to accommodate older components.

A typical example of this is software built in-house that was designed to run on older mainframe computers or on-premise servers that do not have the architecture and data organization to exist in cloud-based computing.

  • Explore
  • Look Ahead
  • Publish/Share
  • Discuss/Teach
  • Research
  • Network

A mountaintop icon
Explorer thinking considers issues like trends, available resources, and long-term needs.
A gps map icon
Planner thinking is applied to set the process for the upcoming phases and ensure the prior year’s reserves are in order.
A lightning bolt icon
Energizer thinking is helpful to everyone and gets them ready and excited.
Two linked circles icon
Connector thinking helps communicate with other teams and communities.
A dictionary icon
Expert thinking is valuable for researching and validating high-potential ideas and ensuring the environment to support them is in place.
A graph and gear icon
Optimizer thinking is applied when designing for future productivity and yield.
A checklist icon
Producer thinking is helpful to ensure functional tasks from previous work (or innovation cycles) are complete and to set up an environment for work.
A speech bubble icon
Coach thinking is applied to train and orient everyone to their upcoming tasks.

Role: Digital Explorer

Innovation Strategists (Digital Explorers)

Someone who can see different business models and participates in creating hypotheses without being intimidated by a blank canvas.

Digital explorers look at the broader picture of what is possible where user need meets current (or potential) business capability.

"The all-in-one market intelligence platform to discover, harvest and share insights."

The all-in-one market intelligence platform to discover, harvest and share insights.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
A market research firm with assessment and information offerings useful to trendcasters and enterprise decision-makers.

Insights to drive stronger performance

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This is some text inside of a div block.
An exploration and analytics tool focused on Google Search's traffic patterns, famously known for predicting flu outbreaks due to symptom searches.

Explore what the world is searching

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This is some text inside of a div block.
A crowdsourcing tool for innovation and ideation.

IdeaScale is an innovation management solution that links organizations to people with ideas. Collaborative innovation can change the world—not just your business. Find ideas to aid in digital transformation, to face the age of automation, and to fight climate change, inequality and beyond. Connect to the ideas that matter and start co-creating the future.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Enterprise-level agile planning, strategic portfolio management, team-based work management, professional services automation, and project portfolio management.

Drive On-Strategy Delivery at Speed: Focus on the investments that matter​. Empower your teams to do their best work​.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
"Product Hunt surfaces the best new products, every day. It's a place for product-loving enthusiasts to share and geek out about the latest mobile apps, websites, hardware projects, and tech creations."
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Crowdsourcing tool for innovation/ideation.

Join the 6M+ employees at 500+ enterprise companies that are using Spigit to bring the power of collective intelligence to every business challenge.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Aiding decision-making with ideation tools, business planning and team alignment tools, trendcasting and monitoring functions, and other intra- and entrepreneurial tools.
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This is some text inside of a div block.


Assumptions and possibilities documented; testing these leads to higher likelihood of offerings that are genuinely useful and feasible

Assumptions and possibilities documented; testing these leads to higher likelihood of offerings that are genuinely useful and feasible

Offerings or Initiatives to be Sunset, Retired, or Overhauled

Number or financial amount of projects, offerings, initiatives or other resource drains which need to be retired or overhauled

Number or financial amount of projects, offerings, initiatives or other resource drains which need to be retired or overhauled

On-paper Business Models

Number of complete business ideas articulated as 'on-paper-tested' business models

Number of complete business ideas articulated as 'on-paper-tested' business models

On-Paper Value Propositions

Number of specific value propositions articulated as 'on-paper-tested' models

Number of specific value propositions articulated as 'on-paper-tested' models

Total Addressable Market

Potential network or market size

Potential network or market size

Weak Signals

The number of points of information in a forecasting or trendcasting network

The number of points of information in a forecasting or trendcasting network

Spring: Formulation

The spring season of innovation focuses on formulation—imagining new things based on broader research, planning the upcoming work, and planting the year's crops.

In a digital factory context, this could mean introducing new features or fleshing out the details of new offerings. It is also the time to set a particular destination (with important milestones) on the product roadmap and determine critical questions that need to be solved, de-risked, or tested.  

This stage requires networked leadership and cross-function collaboration as the business needs to look at the big picture, talk to customers to determine their needs, and create a financially viable product—all at the same time.

During this season, another vital function is ensuring all development requests from across the business are collected and prioritized effectively against specific business outcomes.

Objectives and Key Results, or OKRs, are helpful at this stage. It may be easy to focus on a particular software need that may not provide a significant movement in the business or create a lot of value.

Conversely, some development may be necessary to defend existing value creation, such as security patches that may create problems later if left unattended.  

Artifacts for this season may include prototypes where a concept is developed, but feasibility hasn't yet been tested.

The Spring Season of Innovation ends when things start to appear in material forms, such as a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that's ready to test with real users.

An innovation toolkit, like Spigit, or lightweight modeling tools like the Strategyzer online toolkit/web app for value proposition design and business model generation, can help organize work on this process, even as a distributed team, and provides structure to stay focused on tangible opportunities. Specialized tools are not required. However, a well-configured general-purpose project management system like Asana or even a well-built spreadsheet is a good start.

Business model elements move out of the Formulation/Spring stage when the first signs of work become visible to the people the business model ultimately intends to serve. This might take the form of published research, pilot projects, or minimum viable products. Teams know they have progressed towards the end of this stage when the learnings they are extracting from their tests validate a complete business model, indicating product-market fit.

Spring | Objectives

  • Ideate
  • Set Destination
  • Determine Questions
  • Decide & Navigate
  • Plan/Optimize
  • Build Processes

  • Ideate
  • Set Destination
  • Determine Questions
  • Decide & Navigate
  • Plan/Optimize
  • Build Processes
A mountaintop icon
Explorer thinking continues mapping big picture trends to ideas under consideration.
A gps map icon
Planner thinking can help keep work on track while progress may not be immediately apparent.
A lightning bolt icon
Energizer thinking is useful for keeping focus and excitement while ideas germinate and begin to take root.
Two linked circles icon
Connector thinking ensures others in the organization are aware of progress and matches them to members of the team who might need input.
A dictionary icon
Expert thinking is useful for working closely on the buildout of new ideas.
A graph and gear icon
Optimizer thinking can drive the team to get as many ideas as possible validated and built, carefully measuring and tweaking processes.
A checklist icon
Producer thinking works to execute the ideas of the whole team.
A speech bubble icon
Coach thinking empowers the team to hone their skills and navigate the ups and downs of new ideas taking shape, along with other parts of the manifestation process.

Role: Designers


Whether web designers, graphic designers, or user experience designers, these people create user interfaces and manage elements of the customer experience.

Role: Product Manager

Product Manager

Product management as a field arises where different services and functions are brought together into a cohesive offering or product, rather than a smattering of smaller features or revenue models. This process is known as productization.A Product Manager sees the entire lifecycle of a product and all the people it affects, such as particular users or developers, and connects the dots between the business and technology elements of that discussion.

A highly-configurable, no-code-required database for small to mid-sized teams. Popular with startups, developers, and prototypers for its flexibility.

Connect everything. Achieve anything.Accelerate work and unlock potential with powerful apps that connect your data, workflows and teams.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
A project management tool for creative and cross-disciplinary teams with continuously expanding features for enterprise clients.

From the small stuff to the big picture, Asana organizes work so teams know what to do, why it matters, and how to get it done.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Tools designed to make approximations of working products with the ability to click or tap buttons and other navigation to check the path a user might take through the offering.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Tools and datasets that enable teams to work together, includes communication and project management.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
"The all-in-one market intelligence platform to discover, harvest and share insights."

The all-in-one market intelligence platform to discover, harvest and share insights.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
The first major cloud document and collaboration platform. Google Docs is also the common name for the larger Google Workplace suite of cloud collaboration and file storage tools.

Use Google Docs to create, and collaborate on online documents. Edit together with secure sharing in real-time and from any device.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
A crowdsourcing tool for innovation and ideation.

IdeaScale is an innovation management solution that links organizations to people with ideas. Collaborative innovation can change the world—not just your business. Find ideas to aid in digital transformation, to face the age of automation, and to fight climate change, inequality and beyond. Connect to the ideas that matter and start co-creating the future.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
"Connect business and technology teams to align strategy with outcomes at enterprise scale."

Connect business and technology teams to align strategy with outcomes at enterprise scale.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
"Kickstarter campaigns make ideas into reality. It’s where creators share new visions for creative work with the communities that will come together to fund them."
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
The world's most popular digital whiteboarding and visual collaboration software, providing an infinite canvas for teams to create visuals, embed content, and organize ideas.

The online collaborative whiteboard platform to bring teams together, anytime, anywhere.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Visual collaboration and whiteboarding software with repositionable content elements and features for facilitation.

MURAL connects teams with a digital whiteboard and collaboration features designed to inspire innovation.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Enterprise-level agile planning, strategic portfolio management, team-based work management, professional services automation, and project portfolio management.

Drive On-Strategy Delivery at Speed: Focus on the investments that matter​. Empower your teams to do their best work​.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Tools to design and manage user journeys and customer experience, and connect to users, businesses, and technology stakeholders.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
"Product Hunt surfaces the best new products, every day. It's a place for product-loving enthusiasts to share and geek out about the latest mobile apps, websites, hardware projects, and tech creations."
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
One of the first 'ChatOps' tools. Gained significant traction in startups and development teams, has a rich API and integrations now backed by Salesforce.

Slack is your digital HQ Transform the way you work with one place for everyone and everything you need to get stuff done.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Crowdsourcing tool for innovation/ideation.

Join the 6M+ employees at 500+ enterprise companies that are using Spigit to bring the power of collective intelligence to every business challenge.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Squarespace is a visual site designer, content management system, and e-commerce tool that allows users to create beautiful websites with nearly no technical skills.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Aiding decision-making with ideation tools, business planning and team alignment tools, trendcasting and monitoring functions, and other intra- and entrepreneurial tools.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
A card-centric project management system that brings Kanban-like charts to everyday project management.

Collaborate and get more done. Trello boards enable your team to organize projects in a fun, flexible, and visual way.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Digital 'whiteboards' and other graphic collaboration tools, providing usually-infinite canvases for teams to create visuals, embed content, and organize ideas.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.

Alpha Releases

Number of initial, partially-functional digital releases.

Number of initial, partially-functional digital releases.

Customer Discovery (Could Be A Customer for X)

How many potential target customers have been identified (eg from an existing customer list or prospect list)

How many potential target customers have been identified (eg from an existing customer list or prospect list)

Data Models (Alpha)

Number of preliminary algorithms or data models; can be affected by quality and quantity of data sets

Number of preliminary algorithms or data models; can be affected by quality and quantity of data sets

Data Points

Number of data points (total) across data sets

Number of data points (total) across data sets

Internal APIs

Number of APIs for internal stakeholders (measures the quality and utility of network of systems)

Number of APIs for internal stakeholders (measures the quality and utility of network of systems)

Market-Tested Business Models and Value Propositions

Number of business models and value propositions tested with the marketplace to a uniform stage (such as customer identification interest, or validation)

Number of business models and value propositions tested with the marketplace to a uniform stage (such as customer identification interest, or validation)

Network Size

Category of metrics for the number of members in a network (such as people, devices, organizations, or data points)

Category of metrics for the number of members in a network (such as people, devices, organizations, or data points)


Number of successful patents filed, which can increase network size or network uniqueness

Number of successful patents filed, which can increase network size or network uniqueness

Total Addressable Market

Potential network or market size

Potential network or market size

User Stories

Fully-written user stories (demonstrates listening to users which will lead to increased quality)

Fully-written user stories (demonstrates listening to users which will lead to increased quality)

Summer: Manifestation

In the Summer Stage, developers and software-centric parts of the digital factory work with Product Managers to refine Minimum Viable Products into something scalable and Generally Acceptable (known as a GA release). This version comes after the Beta version has been finished, polished, and made ready for widescale adoption.

At this point, the organization's support and cybersecurity teams must be able to defend and support the new software against hackers, bugs, and any other issues that may arise.

The summer season of innovation ends when new products or services become 'business as usual' or are integrated into the rest of the organization.

  • Measure
  • Prototype
  • Validate
  • De-risk
  • Specify
  • Build

Spring | Manifestation

Summer | Thinking Styles

Thinking in the Summer Stage

Explorer thinking begins to focus on integrating innovations into the whole of an organization and begins scouting for the next round of ideas for iterating or pivoting.

Planner thinking helps coordinate selecting which ideas move forward and which have to be let go, especially managing funding and work effort.

Energizer thinking keeps the team focused on the end goal and supports the team through difficult decisions and challenging integrations with the larger organization.

Connector thinking is crucial to map current team members to the departments and partners needed to scale innovations up and redeploy those who were primarily focused on launch.

Expert thinking enables producers and others to solidify complex designs and systems.

Optimizer thinking can rapidly iterate on designs to increase reliability and profitability.

Producer thinking is essential in churning out the work needed to scale innovations.

Coach thinking is instrumental in helping new members of the team orient themselves. It helps existing team members adapt to the increasing complexity and decreasing freedom in the process or allows them to move to new roles.

A mountaintop icon
Explorer thinking begins to focus on integrating innovations into the whole of an organization and begins scouting for the next round of ideas for iterating or pivoting.
A gps map icon
Planner thinking helps coordinate selecting which ideas move forward and which have to be let go, especially managing funding and work effort.
A lightning bolt icon
Energizer thinking keeps the team focused on the end goal and supports the team through difficult decisions and challenging integrations with the larger organization.
Two linked circles icon
Connector thinking is crucial to map current team members to the departments and partners needed to scale innovations up and redeploy those who were primarily focused on launch.
A dictionary icon
Expert thinking enables producers and others to solidify complex designs and systems.
A graph and gear icon
Optimizer thinking can rapidly iterate on designs to increase reliability and profitability.
A checklist icon
Producer thinking is essential in churning out the work needed to scale innovations.
A speech bubble icon
Coach is instrumental in helping new members of the team orient themselves. It helps existing team members adapt to the increasing complexity and decreasing freedom in the process or allows them to move to new roles.

Role: Technology Partners

Technology partners

Any stakeholders who are not inside the company but with whom there is at least some degree of interdependence or dependency. These include but are not limited to third-party software developers, data firms, apps, services, and hosting providers.As companies develop their own software factories, they may lessen their reliance on others but potentially create internal costs and talent pipelines that need to be managed. Conversely, being over-reliant on technology partners is a risk as those partners may look to exploit that reliance or be unable to provide essential services. Understanding the interdependence between your firm and others and using that understanding to plan damage limitations in case of catastrophe can be extremely useful.For example, if there were a major earthquake in San Francisco, would any technology partners based there have resilience plans allowing work to continue? If the software was developed using teams based in Ukraine, are they able to continue?

Role: Software Developer

Software Developers (Digital Makers)

A developer refers to someone who builds and manipulates software code (or sometimes digital hardware). The job of a software developer is to convert human needs into programs. They code particular instructions for machines to follow, either from scratch or by assembling sequences of ready-made components. The developer mindset is based on computational thinking, as much of their time is spent working with machines to solve problems. Working with developers can be similar to working with quants in that they both specialize in working with data to find insights that other types of colleagues may not be able to see. Software developers are core to the software development experience, and there are several disciplines within the field. Speak with IT leaders to understand the different kinds of software developers needed. Due to the nature of their work and the thinking styles required, the developers' way of thinking about problems is often very different than other stakeholders, especially those in the 'front end' parts of the business. This is a good thing when all parties recognize it.

Role: Security & Regulatory Stakeholders

Security and regulatory stakeholders

These teams specifically pay attention to things like security breaches. Regulatory stakeholders may have a lot to say about how data is handled or what may or may not be passed between companies for security reasons related to data ethics or data sovereignty. Heavily-regulated industries like finance and healthcare must include both security and regulatory stakeholders early on in the software development process. Then, as new ideas and new features are imagined, regulators can work with teams to ensure compliance. This insures against a lot of lost effort when a particular use case is found to break local or international rules such as GDPR or PIPL. Data security and “moving security left” are covered in more detail in the Dev Sec Ops section.

Role: Data Scientist

Data Scientist

Put simply, a statistician who knows how to work with computer code. Data scientists create or expand algorithms, machine learning models, and other elements that allow us to test hypotheses about data, users, etc. A data scientist can run general analyses of opportunities available in the marketplace, but most of their work will be focused on big data or little data initiatives. You can learn more about elements of data science in our data expedition.

"Holistic performance and engagement solutions for today's HR leaders"

Holistic performance and engagement solutions for today's HR leaders

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
An increasingly-useful tool in Adobe's Creative Cloud offering. It helps prototype websites and apps before streamlining the export of User Interface elements.

Design the incredible. Lifelike in every sense. Create stunningly real UI/UX designs and stand out from the rest.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
An end-to-end solution (and services) for managing data supply chains, data rivers, and data lakes. Includes discovery, hygiene, taxonomy, processing, analysis, and machine learning.

Data-Driven. People Powered.With Analytics for All, anyone can solve problems by turning data into breakthrough insights.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
"Find bugs and improve code quality through peer code review."

Find bugs and improve code quality through peer code review.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Supporting various stages of the data supply chain. Advanced data stacks are connected to artificial intelligence and machine learning stacks.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Software development and information technology tools (increasingly unified in digital organizations as DevOps).
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Tools for the DevOps method of software development and IT operations management.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
A user experience design tool with additional functionality for collaborative whiteboarding.

Figma connects everyone in the design process so teams can deliver better products, faster.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Supporting the smooth function of companies' essential logistics.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Tools focused on the logistics of human 'resources' in companies and can include work scheduling software, coaching/learning & development tools, and performance review functions.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
"Connect business and technology teams to align strategy with outcomes at enterprise scale."

Connect business and technology teams to align strategy with outcomes at enterprise scale.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Chat and team communication tools for teams using the Microsoft Office 365 ecosystem. Rapidly expanding due to Office's sizeable existing user base.

Make amazing things happen together at home, work, and school.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
The world's most popular digital whiteboarding and visual collaboration software, providing an infinite canvas for teams to create visuals, embed content, and organize ideas.

The online collaborative whiteboard platform to bring teams together, anytime, anywhere.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Visual collaboration and whiteboarding software with repositionable content elements and features for facilitation.

MURAL connects teams with a digital whiteboard and collaboration features designed to inspire innovation.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Enterprise-level agile planning, strategic portfolio management, team-based work management, professional services automation, and project portfolio management.

Drive On-Strategy Delivery at Speed: Focus on the investments that matter​. Empower your teams to do their best work​.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Tools to design and manage user journeys and customer experience, and connect to users, businesses, and technology stakeholders.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Mac-based and desktop-centric user experience design tool with cloud offerings.

Sketch gives you all the tools you need for a truly collaborative design process. From early ideas to pixel-perfect artwork, playable prototypes and developer handoff. It all starts here.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Aiding decision-making with ideation tools, business planning and team alignment tools, trendcasting and monitoring functions, and other intra- and entrepreneurial tools.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Digital 'whiteboards' and other graphic collaboration tools, providing usually-infinite canvases for teams to create visuals, embed content, and organize ideas.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Translates website content using machines. Allows site owners to override with human input when needed.

Weglot helps online businesses grow by turning their website multilingual in minutes.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.

Algorithms (Beta)

Number of successful algorithm sets (or models) developed by a data science team

Number of successful algorithm sets (or models) developed by a data science team

App Downloads

Number of app downloads (total, or in a given time period)

Number of app downloads (total, or in a given time period)

Beta Integrations

Number of integrations of apps and services that reached a beta state

Number of integrations of apps and services that reached a beta state

Beta Releases

Number of functional early software releases

Number of functional early software releases

Capabilities (Servers, Datasets, Skills)

Category of metrics used to measure the ability to serve current and future demand

Category of metrics used to measure the ability to serve current and future demand

Core Action User Retention

Improvement of retention for new cohorts (users taking a core action in/for the product)

Improvement of retention for new cohorts (users taking a core action in/for the product)

Customer Validation (Users Willing to Pay for X)

Number of users explicitly willing to pay for something, even if they have not paid for it yet (can be measured by interest forms, deposits, etc)

Number of users explicitly willing to pay for something, even if they have not paid for it yet (can be measured by interest forms, deposits, etc)

Market-Tested Business Models and Value Propositions

Number of business models and value propositions tested with the marketplace to a uniform stage (such as customer identification interest, or validation)

Number of business models and value propositions tested with the marketplace to a uniform stage (such as customer identification interest, or validation)

Match Rate

Ease with which two sides of a marketplace or community can find each other

Ease with which two sides of a marketplace or community can find each other

Network Growth Rate

Category of metrics for the rate of growth (or attrition) for a network

Category of metrics for the rate of growth (or attrition) for a network

Network Size

Category of metrics for the number of members in a network (such as people, devices, organizations, or data points)

Category of metrics for the number of members in a network (such as people, devices, organizations, or data points)

Network Quality and Engagement

Category of metrics for the utility and attractiveness of a network

Category of metrics for the utility and attractiveness of a network

Number of App Downloads

Number of times an app is downloaded and installed to a user's device

Number of times an app is downloaded and installed to a user's device

Number of Marketplace "Prosumers"

Number of (potential) producer-consumers in a marketplace (who both can contribute to and take from the market or community, like eBay users)

Number of (potential) producer-consumers in a marketplace (who both can contribute to and take from the market or community, like eBay users)

Number of Marketplace Buyers

Number of (potential) buyers in a marketplace

Number of (potential) buyers in a marketplace

Number of Marketplace Sellers

Number of (potential) sellers or providers in a marketplace

Number of (potential) sellers or providers in a marketplace

Private APIs

Number of APIs available to strategic partners and clients

Number of APIs available to strategic partners and clients

Public APIs

Number of APIs available to the public (a specific measure is needed)

Number of APIs available to the public (a specific measure is needed)

Rage Clicks

Instances of users repeatedly engaging in ineffective clicks because an app or site is malfunctioning

Instances of users repeatedly engaging in ineffective clicks because an app or site is malfunctioning

Registered Users

Number of users who have completed a sign-up process

Number of users who have completed a sign-up process

Third-Party Apps

The number of third-party apps or other digital offerings on a Multi-Sided Platform or marketplace

The number of third-party apps or other digital offerings on a Multi-Sided Platform or marketplace

Time From Feature Request to Deployment

Time between a feature being requested and it being deployed

Time between a feature being requested and it being deployed

Time On Page

A measure of network quality on content sites

A measure of network quality on content sites

Time on Site

Measure of network quality on content sites

Measure of network quality on content sites

Marketplace Close Rate

Number of units sold in a period divided by the number of items available at the beginning of the period

Number of units sold in a period divided by the number of items available at the beginning of the period

Fall: Realization

In the Fall season of innovation, the focus moves to realization, harvesting the results of the work—this is the phase that most businesses are in most of the time.

Realization involves continuing to scale and deploy software, connecting to other services and business functions, and optimizing performance to run faster, cheaper, and more securely.

Continuous Improvement and Continuous Delivery frameworks come together at this point to continually improve software and release new updates, bug fixes, and better features.

Managing Security & Fixing Bugs

Software security is a priority during this season of innovation. Considerations include functional security against hackers, better data handling, and fraud prevention. The security function of any digital product or service should be considered from the first day of planning.

Once the software is deployed, bugs, and the need for fixes, become much more common. This is due to the software being tested by everyday users with more use cases than imagined during the early phases of building. It is critical to ensure that support teams, product managers, and other business stakeholders are connected to fix problems and optimize offerings.

As well as scaling up new software, it is important to consider the need to scale down specific software tools. Over time, we might need to retire older pieces of software to make room for new software.

As this conversation evolves, the cycle completes with a shift from Fall to the Winter season of innovation.

Fall | Objectives

  • Deploy
  • Scale
  • Connect
  • Optimize

  • Deploy
  • Scale
  • Connect
  • Optimize

Fall | Thinking Styles

Thinking in the Fall Stage

Explorer thinking is applied to track the business environment and look ahead to the next big cycle of innovation.

Planner thinking coordinates regular, sustained fulfillment of the innovation process so it can become “business-as-usual.”

Energizer thinking motivates everyone to stay on track in the ongoing work of sustained production and makes sure there is a clear connection between everyday work and big-picture vision and values.

Connector thinking ensures teams have what they need and are supported throughout the organization. End users, service, and support teams have lines of communication with engineers and product managers.

Expert thinking is applied to keep the design of products and services at a high level of quality.

Optimizer thinking identifies iterative improvements to products and processes, ensuring the most value is reaped from everyone’s effort with the least amount of friction possible.

Producer thinking is focused on the fulfillment of value propositions to customers and internal key activities.

Coach thinking helps teach others how to do their job well and supports people through stressful moments as demand and time constraints increase pressure.

A mountaintop icon
Explorer thinking is applied to track the business environment and look ahead to the next big cycle of innovation.
A gps map icon
Planner thinking coordinates regular, sustained fulfillment of the innovation process so it can become “business-as-usual.”
A lightning bolt icon
Energizer thinking motivates everyone to stay on track in the ongoing work of sustained production and makes sure there is a clear connection between everyday work and big-picture vision and values.
Two linked circles icon
Connector thinking ensures teams have what they need and are supported throughout the organization. End users, service, and support teams have lines of communication with engineers and product managers.
A dictionary icon
Expert thinking is applied to keep the design of products and services at a high level of quality.
A graph and gear icon
Optimizer thinking identifies iterative improvements to products and processes, ensuring the most value is reaped from everyone’s effort with the least amount of friction possible.
A checklist icon
Producer thinking is focused on the fulfillment of value propositions to customers and internal key activities.
A speech bubble icon
Coach thinking helps teach others how to do their job well and supports people through stressful moments as demand and time constraints increase pressure.

Role: Digital Support Liason

Digital Support

In other words, customer support teams and developer support teams. People who face outside the company to customers or clients and ensure any issues with your product are fed back and dealt with by the appropriate development team very quickly. Without appropriate resources allocated for support liaisons, vital feedback from users may be lost. In the case of security breaches or other data handling failures, the time between the issue being discovered and developers distributing a fix for it is critical. It can represent a significant liability for the brand.For example, cheap, internet-connected security cameras sold through third-party marketplaces. If someone finds a way to compromise the security of the software, all of those cameras are at risk. If there's no way to inform the manufacturer, they cannot notify existing users or withdraw those cameras from the market.

A human capital management and resource planning suite for emphasizing payroll and HR in enterprise-level businesses.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.

Tools for processing data into useful information. Data may come from many sources, including websites, transactions, or app usage.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Tools for a company to engage with its customers, user communities, and other stakeholders.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Unified solutions to coordinated a variety of functions such as finance, HR, governance, and scheduling, to name a few.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
A mobile-centric expense management system for professionals and employees.

Corporate Cards. Reimbursments. Receipt Scanning. One App, All Free.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Supporting the smooth function of companies' essential logistics.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
"Connect business and technology teams to align strategy with outcomes at enterprise scale."

Connect business and technology teams to align strategy with outcomes at enterprise scale.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Enterprise resource planning and customer relationship management.

Adapt and innovate with a hyperconnected business—give everyone the insights and freedom to thrive by connecting your data, processes, and teams with intelligent business applications.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
An enterprise resource planning solution from Oracle.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
A massive technology company with cloud offerings for enterprise resource planning (ERP), Supply Chain & Manufacturing (SCM), Customer Experience (CX) and Human Capital Management.

A complete enterprise cloud designed to modernize your business

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
One of the world's most prominent enterprise resource planning tools, with related customer experience, supply chain management and cloud technologies.

Discover the innovations your business can leverage today to become a more resilient, sustainable, and intelligent enterprise.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Enterprise resource planning, supply chain management, and accounting.

Business tools and advice from real experts

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
A service and sales communication system centered on a ticketing and helpdesk model.

Zendesk makes customer service better. We build software to meet customer needs, set your team up for success, and keep your business in sync.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.

API Calls

Times a given API has been accessed (may be divided by the number of unique users making the calls)

Times a given API has been accessed (may be divided by the number of unique users making the calls)

Annual Recurring Revenue

Total amount of revenue on a subscription or similar basis

Total amount of revenue on a subscription or similar basis

Annual Recurring Revenue per Customer (ARRpC)

Amount of recurring annual revenue per customer

Amount of recurring annual revenue per customer

Average Revenue per User

Total revenue divided by number of users in a given time period

Total revenue divided by number of users in a given time period

Customer Creation

Number of paying customers

Number of paying customers

Customer Tickets

Number of customer tickets opened in a given time period (expresses either dissatisfaction or occasionally positive engagement)

Number of customer tickets opened in a given time period (expresses either dissatisfaction or occasionally positive engagement)

Marketplace Revenue

Revenue that the marketplace host receives, as a portion of the gross merchandise value passed through a marketplace (eg app store commissions)

Revenue that the marketplace host receives, as a portion of the gross merchandise value passed through a marketplace (eg app store commissions)


Amount of revenue retained after costs

Amount of revenue retained after costs

Rage Clicks

Instances of users repeatedly engaging in ineffective clicks because an app or site is malfunctioning

Instances of users repeatedly engaging in ineffective clicks because an app or site is malfunctioning

Registered Users

Number of users who have completed a sign-up process

Number of users who have completed a sign-up process

Total Revenue

Total revenue created

Total revenue created

Unlike the natural world, the Seasons of Innovation aren't rigidly defined as a one-year cycle, with four seasons of three months each. The early seasons of innovation tend to be shorter, and the fall season of innovation for a business may run for years or even decades.

This means that software or offerings developed up to 50 years ago may still be running, with no easy means of updating or retiring them as circumstances change and replacements are required. By thinking of things in terms of seasons of innovation, the necessity of eventually retiring software is explicit from the very beginning.

To continue the agricultural metaphor, when a crop has no natural predators and overgrows, it is considered an invasive species. As there's no natural way to retain an equilibrium with the surrounding environment, it can pull resources from, or displace completely, other crops that could be growing more naturally.

This also holds true in the business and software world. If a product or service is overly protected due to customer lock-in or because there are no competitors to drive innovation, feature bloat can occur. Feature bloat is when software gets features continually added to it, but nothing is ever removed.

This happened a lot with internal software developed for businesses that were not originally tech-based.

For example, in the 50s and 60s, banks developed software in proprietary programming languages that are not used or even known anymore. These systems were never designed to connect with their counterparts in other banks, nor with the internet, which did not exist in the way it does today.

As a result, some organizations may be operating on software that is decades old with no developers able to update or change it in any way. As long as these systems continue to be used, neither the software nor, by extension, the business as a whole can grow to meet the challenges of the modern day. It's important to cycle through to the 'winter' season of innovation again and challenge organizations to let go of part of their business or technologies that no longer function well to create space for whatever is next.

How to participate in digital factories

Participation in digital factories happens on both individual and departmental levels. The best time to get involved is as soon as possible, perhaps even before a department is ready to work on a digital product.

A great place to start is by reaching out to build an active relationship with the people and departments already engaged in creating and testing digital products. Once a digital project is ready to bring to the factory, it's helpful to map out the points in the process where two-way communication will be most important and make sure the tools and practices are in place to make that communication effective. Examples of this may be a bug reporting tool or a regular cadence of short meetings or 'standups.'

Business stakeholders should also agree in advance on managing prioritization and funding decisions that may come up, so development teams can be free to innovate within acceptable bounds.

Finally, it's helpful to think about when—or if—a project will graduate from a software factory to be managed by a different team after launch. Some businesses are organized around a central technology approach where all software operations are managed in one place. Others prefer each product to have dedicated design and software capabilities around some shared services. With any approach, it is essential to be clear from the outset about the long-term maintenance and development requirements.

NOTE: It is important to disambiguate the mental models of digital factories and software factories, as there is some overlap. Throughout this article, the term 'digital factory' refers to all digital-centered activities (especially on software-centric digital value). However, 'digital factory' in manufacturing contexts may refer to automation and on-demand practices such as 'Industry 4.0' or 'Factory 4.0,' which refers to digitizing physical factories and is outside the scope of this article.

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