Concept: Data Taxonomy. Go Back to Glossary. Select any number of buttons on the left to see varieties of data sources available for analysis. Definition. Data Taxonomy.…
Crowd-based, informal classification of data that occurs 'organically' and emerges from users, rather than being imposed from a central power like a taxonomy.…
The more complex the data, the more specific the taxonomy needs to be. While it’s tempting to avoid tedious taxonomy discussions, it’s important to plan for them as you go, or you might end up with a mountain of un-sortable, un-verifiable data.…
While there are technical solutions, they only work if there is a good data taxonomy and logging strategy. The key question to ask here is, "What sovereignties does our data pass through, and what are their laws?". Discussion Prompts.…
While there are technical solutions, they only work if there is accurate data taxonomy and logging. The critical question to ask here is: "What sovereignties does our data pass through, and what are their laws?".…
Unsupervised machine learning takes unstructured data (data with no taxonomy labels yet applied) and searches for patterns and trends. The goal is to cluster data points together which have some correlation to each other.…