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What does Programs (computational thinking) mean?

Concept: Programs (computational thinking). Go Back to Glossary. Select any number of buttons on the left to see varieties of data sources available for analysis. Definition. Programs (computational thinking).

AI Accelerator Program

AI Accelerator Programs. Make AI real. now. with education for your teams, creation of use cases, practice and deployment. Explore the possibilities of AI, set up your initial teams, identify use cases, practice with real tools—and then deploy.

AI & Digital Fluency for Enterprises

AI & Digital Fluency Programs. Upgrade to the thinking, data, business models, tools, and skills of the AI Era.

quickstack test

AI Accelerator Programs. Make AI real. now. with education for your teams, creation of use cases, practice and deployment. Explore the possibilities of AI, set up your initial teams, identify use cases, practice with real tools—and then deploy.

What does API mean?

A standardized way to pass data and commands between multiple programs or systems. Enables different tools to communicate stably and securely with each other for specific tasks—reducing the need for custom integrations.‍.

What does Computational Thinking mean?

A mindset that allows machines and humans to work together to solve real-world problems, using Decomposition, Abstraction, Patterns, Algorithms, and Programs.

What does Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)  mean?

The strategy and process for creating or updating computer programs, taking into account every aspect of the software's use, including planning, deployment, and eventual retirement.

What does No-Code or Low-Code Development mean?

A way to connect reusable modules together to create programs or automation with little or no software coding skills.

Tech Stacks

A tech stack refers to a collection of tools used to accomplish a broad or specific purpose, including front- and back-end tools, common functions, programming languages, datasets, applications/programs, APIs and other methods of connection outside the stack

Causeit Guide to Digital Fluency

From hospital-at-home and virtual care programs to transparent pricing and data-driven business strategies, digital technologies are changing how the industry works. Join healthtech innovator Gabrielle Mirsaidi (of.