Concept: Edge AI. Go Back to Glossary. Select any number of buttons on the left to see varieties of data sources available for analysis. Definition. Edge AI.…
Professional skiers have a saying: “Find your edge,” meaning find how far you can lean over without falling. And the only way to find your edge is to fall during practice.…
Venture capital drives cutting-edge innovation, corporations acquire mature startups. Value Model. Value Models Explanation.…
Enhance your strategic thinking about AI and gain a competitive edge in your organization with distilled mental models and frameworks you can implement immediately. ‘Sightings from the Field’.…
Cutting-edge virtual spaces can create an engaging digital experience, or in-person programs can bring additional warmth and connection. The Digital Fluency Guide.…
Enhance your strategic thinking about AI and gain a competitive edge in your organization with distilled mental models and frameworks you can implement immediately. Live Events, Panels, and Discussion.…
Example: annual reports may not be timely enough to give you an edge if you are engaging in algorithmic, high-frequency stock trading (HFT) but could be sufficient if you are making longer-term investments. Analysis Cost.…
When information has to percolate back up from the company’s distant edges, it often reaches the top too late for meaningful action. Networked leadership relies on the principles of co-creation, reciprocity, and feedback to effect exponential results.…
Analyze Data "At the Edge". Sometimes devices analyze and obtain insights for users without ever sending raw data to central systems.…
Yet when information about actual market conditions and customers satisfaction has to percolate back up from the company’s distant edges, it often reaches the top too late for meaningful action.…