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What does Cyborg mean?

Concept: Cyborg. Go Back to Glossary. Select any number of buttons on the left to see varieties of data sources available for analysis. Definition. Cyborg. The merging of organic and inorganic, or human and machine, to create a third type of entity.

What does Cyborg Anthropologist mean?

Concept: Cyborg Anthropologist. Go Back to Glossary. Select any number of buttons on the left to see varieties of data sources available for analysis. Definition. Cyborg Anthropologist.

Robots, Androids, Cyborgs and Cyborg Anthropology [Short Video] | Digital Fluency Guide

Causeit, Inc. San Francisco, CA. +1.855.228.7348. Contact Us. All content ©2011–2024 Causeit, Inc. or under authorization from third parties. All rights reserved, including copying, printing and repurposing of written, video or graphic co

The Ethics of Exponential Tech (like AI, ChatGPT, and DALL-E), a Talk/Keynote/Workshop

Cyborg anthropologist MJ Petroni guides us through the ethical possibilities and threats of advanced tech—including the risk of not innovating. Learning Outcomes.

Rethinking Online Events: Going Beyond “Dialing In”, a Talk/Keynote/Workshop

Join engagement facilitators and cyborg anthropologists (!) from Causeit as we share new thinking & best practices and help you create your own 'principles for great virtual meetings.'. Details. Related Content. Causeit, Inc.

Creating Your Online Office: Rethinking 'Remote', a Talk/Keynote/Workshop

Join culture experts and cyborg anthropologists (!) from Causeit as we share findings from the field, best practices and easy first steps to shifting 'working from home' from a morale-killer to an opportunity for culture transformation. ​. Details.

Queering Tech, a Talk/Keynote/Workshop

CTO Megan Smith, into the trailblazing future of Queer metaverses and cyborg gender.

Introduction to Informed Consent and Doing No Harm | Data Ethics Guidebook

Cyborg Anthropologist and CEO, Causeit, Inc. Jessica Long. Cyborg Anthropologist, Causeit, Inc, Contributors. Steven C. Tiell. Senior Principal—Digital Ethics. Accenture Labs. Harrison Lynch. Accenture Labs. Additional Contribution from Scott L. David.

AI Accelerator Program

A cyborg anthropologist (!), MJ helps us see not just how we shape technologies but how they are re-shaping us.

AI Courses

A cyborg anthropologist (!), MJ helps us see not just how we shape technologies but how they are re-shaping us.