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What does Build (in Software Development) mean?

Concept: Build (in Software Development). Go Back to Glossary. Select any number of buttons on the left to see varieties of data sources available for analysis. Definition. Build (in Software Development).

Generative AI: Build, Buy or Partner? | Digital Fluency Guide

Generative AI: Build, Buy or Partner? Look to your company DNA to make decisions about what to build, buy or partner on. May 9, 2023. h2. Example H2. h3. Example H3. h4. Example H4. h5. Example H5. h6. Example H6.

What is steerable AI, why does it matter and, how do you build it? | Digital Fluency Guide

What is steerable AI, why does it matter and, how do you build it? Adjusting AI systems and explaining their outputs is not always easy—make sure your strategy accounts for 'steerability' needs. July 12, 2023. h2. Example H2. h3. Example H3. h4.

Creating a Digital Factory

From Story to Narrative | Narrative Guidebook

It’s a story building up to a transaction. But in today’s digital economy, people need to know why they should have a relationship with you, what they will get and who they will be if they do. Narrative is as much about identity as utility.

Strategic Narrative

From Push to Pull | Exponential Brands Guidebook

But Cherokee Uniforms shows how to build differentiation by focusing on purpose beyond their products. Cherokee Uniforms. celebrates the tremendous contributions healthcare workers make to society, saying its goal is to be their champion.

Exponential Brands

Data Supply Chain

This site is in beta. Tell us what you think. Guidebook. Data Supply Chain. Understand how data is acquired, manipulated, and consumed. Read First Chapter. We often hear buzzwords about data, with terms like predictive analytics or digital value propositio

Cloud and API Innovation Strategies, a Talk/Keynote/Workshop

Build, buy or partner? Description. Traditional corporate strategies encourage companies to own the means of their production. At the same time, the ever-accelerating pace of innovation makes owning every technology impossible.