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What does Digital vs. Analog mean?

Analog. Go Back to Glossary. Select any number of buttons on the left to see varieties of data sources available for analysis. Definition. Digital vs. Analog.

Digital Fluency as an Exponential Multiplier | Digital Fluency Guidebook

The following is a description of organizations along a scale from 1X digital scale to 10X. 1x: Analog. Organizations at the 1X scale have very little digital leverage.

Shifting Our Thinking For Remote Work | Rethinking Remote Guidebook

From Analog to Digital: Four Stages of Thinking About Workplaces. Let's explore four models, or stages, of thinking about where work and collaboration occur. In analog companies, the workplace is physical and it may not even be possible to work remotely.

Designing Digital Value Propositions

While there may not be a rigid business definition of what makes something 'digital,' digital value propositions leverage some form of exponential technology to offer speed, scale, or ease which is not possible with an analog value proposition.

What does Augmented Reality mean?

An overlay of digital information from a virtual world onto our analog physical world. AR can be accessed by using smartphones or visual interfaces like Google Glass and/or visors.

What does Extended Reality (XR) mean?

Extended Reality or XR is an umbrella term for any technology that blends the digital world with the analog physical world.

Digital Business Models

Business models of the analog era are still going strong—creating value with things (or assets) and people (or services).

The Power of Platforms | Platforms Guidebook

Network effects can drive exponential growth in any industry across both analog and digital environments. Platforms disrupt industries. Companies driving disruption in their industries have embraced platforms as a technology, business model and mindset.

Creating a Digital Narrative, a Talk/Keynote/Workshop

A Digital Narrative helps us connect our analog mindsets, organizational DNA, and skills to our digital future—in a way that feels authentic and achievable for ourselves, our colleagues, and our customers. Learning Outcomes.

How Digital Business Models Work, a Talk/Keynote/Workshop

Business models of the analog era are still going strong, creating value with things (or assets) and people (or services).