Platform thinking is an exponential shift in understanding about how value is created in the Digital Age. It’s the Digital Age equivalent of electricity in a steam-powered world.
To make the shift to platform thinking, focus on enabling others to co-create value, not just delivering value for them to consume.
As you explore platform thinking, consider how you could network different types of resources—things, people, ideas and connections—to deliver 10X return on investments you’ve already made.
10X value by unleashing network effects
Focus on enabling others to co-create value, not just delivering value for them to consume.
Create network effects by finding new ways to network resources: things, people, ideas and connections.
Value is transactional
Created by you and received by customers
Value is collaborative
Created and received by all participants
Reveal new sources of value
Share the cost and risk of innovation
Activate exponential growth through network orchestration
Optimize relationships with platforms orchestrated by others