VR, AR and the Metaverse

New paradigms for where and how to play, work, collaborate and create


Headlines abound with news of the 'metaverse,' a term coined almost 30 years ago to describe a semi-virtual world that spans groups of people and systems and has the potential to transform the next 300 years. 

Explore how new thinking about places, identity, play, and collaboration combines with technologies like Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and related trends like quantum computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and web3. 

Critical political, social, and financial implications mean that everyone can benefit from upping their understanding of this emerging technology.

Learning Outcomes
  • Kinds of 360˚ online environments
  • The Paradigm of Extended Reality (XR)
  • The Metaverse
  • Uses for Augmented Reality (AR)
  • When Virtual Reality (VR) is Essential vs. Incremental


Minimum Duration
Ideal Duration
Maximum Duration

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